May Gibbs

GIBBS, May : Bib n Bub and the Surprise Party SC Book Gumnut

Bib n Bub and the Surprise Party  by May Gibbs ISBN: 0207150346 COVER: Paperback 14cm x 11cm PAGES: 32 CONDITION: Very Good, light reading... more info

GIBBS, May : Book of Postcards 11 out of the 15 left Gumnut

Postcards (A Book of 15 postcards (11 out of the 15 left intact)  by May Gibbs ISBN: 0207169233 COVER: Paperback/light cardboard PAGES: 11... more info

GIBBS, May : Snugglepot and Cuddlepie 123 Gumnut Babies Count

Snugglepot and Cuddlepie 123 by May Gibbs ISBN: 9781921276033 COVER: Paperback 23cm x 30cm PAGES: 32 CONDITION: *NEW*  c2007 reprint 2008... more info

SNUGGLEPOT and CUDDLEPIE LGB : Go to the Races : May Gibbs HC

Little Golden Book Snugglepot and Cuddlepie Go to the Races by May Gibbs New York Edition ISBN: 0730212076 COVER: Hardcover PAGES: not labelled... more info
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