List of Cocky's Circle Little Books

1.      A Crocodile to Tea

2.      Sebastian the Sports Car

3.      A Lark on the Ark

4.      Sly, Old Lockjaw Croc

5.      A New Coat for Spikey

6.      Something in the Bathtub

7.      A Pet Dinosaur

8.      Tadpole Trouble

9.      A Pirate Tale

10.  Tall Tales

11.  A Spider in the Kitchen

12.  Teddy Bear Alphabet

13.  A Surprise for Anna

14.  Ten Funny Bunnies

15.  A Tadpole Tale

16.  Ten Juicy Vegetables

17.  A-Z of Pirates

18.  Ten Loopy Caterpillars

19.  ABC Antics

20.  That's Really Weird

21.  Across The Nullarbor

22.  The Animal Countdown

23.  All the way up the Mountain

24.  The Best shape of all

25.  Alligator Fumes

26.  The Big Little Mouse

27.  An Aardvark in the Garden

28.  The Birthday Bicycle

29.  Angus McGamp's Magic Stamp

30.  The Blue Cockatoo

31.  Around go the Days

32.  The Bored Little Bear

33.  Arnold the Flying Ant

34.  The Boy Who Liked Shopping

35.  Baby and Me

36.  The Brownest House

37.  Ben and Grandma

38.  The Bugcatcher

39.  Bertie the Bat

40.  The Bump

41.  Blue Boots

42.  The Bush Baby Mix-Up

43.  Boomerang Race

44.  The Christmas Fairy

45.  Bubble Trouble

46.  The Christmas Tree

47.  Brave Captain Boldfoot

48.  The Clumsy Tooth Fairy

49.  Brave Little Mouse

50.  The Cooking Contest

51.  Captain Skilly's Trawler

52.  The Cow Games

53.  Cheese Please!

54.  The Crazy Hazy Day

55.  Colours Galore

56.  The Crocodile's Teeth

57.  Cow up a Tree

58.  The Delivery Bear

59.  Crocodile Rock

60.  The Dragon's Egg

61.  Diggy Dog

62.  The Easter Egg Robber

63.  Do not drop your jellybeans

64.  The Fight on the Hill

65.  Do-Whacky-Do

66.  The Gonna Bird

67.  Down in the Woods

68.  The Great Eggscape

69.  Dragon in the Dungeon

70.  The Great Rabbit Rescue

71.  Dumpling the Dragon

72.  The Grumpies

73.  Easy Peasy

74.  The Haircut

75.  Emma's Present

76.  The Hairy Wombat

77.  Farm Alarm

78.  The Hobble Wobbles

79.  Farmer May's Mix-Up

80.  The Kangaroo From Woolloomooloo

81.  Feed Me!

82.  The Kangaroo's Didgeridoo

83.  Five in Bed

84.  The Little Engine

85.  Flu at the Zoo

86.  The Little Tugboat that Sneezed

87.  Fred's Fantastic Feat

88.  The Magic Bike

89.  Giant at School

90.  The Magic of Marvin

91.  Gertie the Skating Goose

92.  The Magical Doorknob

93.  Go Cat, Go!

94.  The Magician's Box

95.  Good Morning Who's Snoring

96.  The Mean Octopus

97.  Gregor the Giant

98.  The Monkey's Wedding

99.  Hippo Hillary

100.   The Most Scary Ghost

101.   How many Grasshoppers?

102.   The Mucky Mud Hole

103. Hubert's Sunny Saturday

104. The Pirate Princess

105. Humphrey the Hermit Crab

106. The Rainbow Cat

107. I found a Baby Dinosaur

108. The Rainbow Race

109. I saw it in the Sea

110. The Rain Dance

111. I thought I saw a Dinosaur

112. The Runaway Pig

113. Invisible

114. The Shoe Grabber

115. Jerome the Juggler

116. The Singing Sheep

117. Jolly Olly

118. The Strange Egg

119. Jonathan Brown's Pockets

120. The Strange Things

121. Jungle Jam

122. The Submarine Ride

123. Just Banana's

124. The Talent Show

125. Katy's Curls

126. The Teddy Snatcher

127. King Roger's Crown

128. The Teeny-Weeny Genie

129. Koala's under the Bed

130. The Ten Dollar Coat

131. Lavender the Library Cat

132. The Things I Like

133. Let's get a Pet

134. The Tooth Fairy

135. Listen!

136. The Train that Ran Away

137. Lizzy's Lunch

138. The Tutti Frutti Shop

139. Marley Goes to School

140. The Wild Woolly Child

141. Merlin the Magician

142. The Wobbly Little House

143. Minnie Flies High

144. The Wrong-way-around the World

145. Molly Snail's Adventure

146. The Yellow Blanket Blob

147. Monkey Madness

148. The Yellow Tractor

149. Monster

150. The Yukadoo's

151. Monster Garage Sale

152. The Zookeeper

153. Mouse Monster

154. Times and Rhymes

155. Move Over Grover

156. Timothy Flynn

157. Mr Smarty loves to Party

158. To Dream a Wazoo

159. Mr Smarty's Party Shoes

160. Tom's Hammer

161. Mr Weatherspoon's Weather Balloon

162. Tom's Trousers

163. Mrs Rafferty's Sneeze

164. Top Cat

165. My Brave Teddy Bear

166. Truck Driver Tim

167. My Buddy

168. Walking Through Australia

169. My Family Tree

170. Whacky William

171. My Favourite (Animal)

172. What a Lot of Mice!

173. My Muddled-Up Robot

174. What a Muddle!

175. My Piece of String

176. What a rumpus

177. Nacho

178. What do Crocodiles eat for Breakfast?

179. Niffo Nox and His Socks

180. What if…?

181. Nine-Dog Norm

182. What's in the Bathroom

183. No Mermaids Here!

184. When the Moon was Blue

185. Number Nine Bus

186. Who am I?

187. Ogre O'malley of Giant Valley

188. Who Lives in Here

189. Old MacDonald had a Band

190. Who took the Cake?

191. Opposites

192. Who's Maxwell?

193. Oswald Bears Adventure

194. Who's There

195. Percival

196. Wild Words

197. Prudence the Pig

198. Wish Horses

199. Riddle-me-ree

200. Yummy Honey

201. Right Now!

202. Zelda's Dancing Feet

203. Sam's Dragon

204. Zoo on the Loose

205. Santa Down Under


206. Santa's New Suit


207. Santa's Summer Christmas



*Does not include Jellybeans titles.



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