Little Golden Books

Everybody has their own favourite Little Golden Book from their childhood, that means the world to them. If there is one that you are particularly chasing then please let me know and I will keep my eye out for it. I can never walk past a LGB pile without having a look through them, as I am a collector as well as a re-homer, and I currently have close to 1000 in my personal collection.

Little Golden Books were originally numbered 1 through 600, but they were not published in sequential order.


The books of the 1970’s had no chronological order of publishing. In 1979 the numbering was changed to the 101-42 style, with the 1 indicating assortment, 01 category, and 42 indicating the position in the category. If you are trying to collect LGB’s by book number Steve Santi recommends you collect the first edition and forget the numbers because the categories’ subject matter may change each year. 

The year 1997 brought another change to the numbering system, the book numbers became 5 followed by a dash and then 1-2 more numbers.

In 2004 the numbering system is dropped and the third set of numbers in the ISBN is commonly used for categorising.

Determining a first edition can be difficult as not all of them were numbered with the 10 9 8 7 6 5 3 4 2 1 system (with the last number representing the edition 3 = 3rd), Sydney first editions can generally (but not always) be identified by the letter A on the lower right-hand corner by the spine on the last page (B = 2nd edition, C = 3rd edition etc).

*Taken and summarised from Steve Santi's Little Golden Books Guide. 

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