Recommended Reading

Struggling for a book to read?

These are the books that I highly recommend.

FOLLETT, Ken : The Pillars of the Earth : SC Epic Saga Book

Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet ISBN: 0330312731 COVER: Paperback 11cm x 18cm PAGES: 1076 CONDITION: Very Good - lightly read with spine creasing... more info

FOLLETT, Ken : World Without End : Sequel Pillars of Earth SC

World Without End Sequel to Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett     ISBN: 9780230014794 FORMAT: Paperback 15cm x 24cm PAGES: 1111... more info

ROWLING, J.K : Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban #3 PB

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Book 3 of The Harry Potter Series by J.K Rowling   ISBN: 0747546290 FORMAT: Paperback 13cm x 20cm... more info

ROWLING, J.K Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone SC Book

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Book 1) by J.K Rowling ISBN: 0747532745 Cover: Paperback  Pages: 223 Condition: Good : shelf and... more info

TOLKIEN, JRR : The Lord of the Rings : PB Omnibus Trilogy Book

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Movie Tie-In Omnibus by JRR Tolkien ISBN: 0007123817 COVER: Paperback 13cm x 19.5cm x 5cm PAGES: 1137 CONDITION: Good:... more info

TOLKIEN, JRR : The Lord of the Rings Trilogy + The Hobbit Set

The Hobbit (HC) and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy The Fellowship of the Rings (SC) The Two Towers (SC) The Return of the King (SC)  by... more info

TOLSTOY, Leo : War and Peace : Wordsworth Classic Book PB

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy   ISBN: 1853260622 FORMAT: Paperback 20cm x 13cm PAGES: 981  CONDITION: Very Good: light shelf wear. EDITION:... more info
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